Cenhedlaeth Rhondda Generation
Rhondda young leaders share their passion for where they live
About People & Work
People & Work is an independent charity (established in 1984) working in Wales.
It seeks to make a positive difference to life in Wales through its two core functions:
- to promote the value of education and learning as a tool for tackling inequalities and promoting employment, through a programme of community based action research projects.
- to undertake commissioned research and evaluation work for the public and third sectors in Wales addressing inequalities in areas such as education, health and employment.
The video on this page explores some joint thinking with partners about the power of place to develop positive outcomes for individuals, families and communities in Wales and is based on our practical project experience over 30 years (some of which is featured) and academic research studies sponsored by People & Work (including three Phd studies). We discussed the power of place at our 2019 AGM. A discussion paper introduced this theme for our AGM Seminar in 2019. Click the link on this page to read it.

Llechi, Glo a Chefn Gwlad – Slate, Coal and Countryside
This is a network of nine organisations across Wales committed to developing the local foundational economy (essential economic activities every community needs) and local leaders who will contribute to their local area. Network participants are based in areas formerly dominated by three industries which have helped to define Wales – slate, coal and agriculture. Llechi, Glo a Chefn Gwlad has been running since 2020, supported by the Rank Foundation (Time to Shine programme) and the National Lottery Community Fund. People & Work is a founding member. The network intends to continue working together beyond its initial three years’ funding.
The network recently met with politicians and other leaders in Cardiff Bay to share learning from the three years which continues to impact all none communities. Dr Sarah Lloyd-Jones introduced the session: